The Stables Horse Activity Centre

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NewsFlash - Welcome to The Stables Horse Activity Centre.

The Stables Horse Activity Centre was founded in 1994 by William Marshall who had a vision of running a fully integrated riding centre for all abilities, irrespective of their emotional or physical needs.
We are a registered charity and don't receive any government funding, relying on income from our weekday sessions, riding lessons and fund raising activities in order to keep the centre running.
The centre is open to everyone in the community and welcomes individuals and groups. Riding horses is an excellent way of giving people with all abilities and disabilities an opportunity to achieve a sense of independence and freedom.

Our difference
We don’t just offer lessons but provide an environment where people with learning disabilities can spend time caring for horses and thereby gaining confidence from the special interactions, for example – watering, feeding and mucking out with the support of our team.
The Stables Horse Activity Centre
Has Been Awarded a

Five Star Rating
As a Riding Establishment
Created by Rivendell Solutions
The Stables Horse Activity Centre
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